For over a decade, my name has been synonymous with connecting between prospects and the business market.
I have years of experience as a ‘diplomat’ in B-to-B. Fascinated by human psychology, I endeavoured to increase my knowledge about successful sales methods. Driven by a passion for my profession, I apply that specialisation every time I talk to your prospect.
Telephone-based acquisition and Jeroen Romein
One of the people who inspired me is author Phil Kleingeld, who specialises in neurological sales methods. Kleingeld argues that acquisition is a continuous process. That also applies in actual practice. In sales, it takes several phone calls to open the door before ever getting a signature on a contract.
How do I reach the point of a solid agreement?
It is also very important to speak the lingo of the business market. I get to the point quickly and ask to speak to the decision-maker. Then I make a short and convincing pitch about the service or product.
My own personal way to generate leads
n 2008, I launched (af)Spraakmakende Resultaten, a professional service provider for telephone acquisition. I wanted to use that company as a vehicle to create room for my own vision on how to generate leads – and to provide the level of quality that I consider key.
By now, I have succeeded in serving the business market. Examples of relevant sectors include: ICT, maritime and pharmaceuticals. In 2019, I changed my company name to ‘Jeroen Romein’ as a clear expression of how important the personal approach is to me. This transition inherently came with an international orientation and support for the sales process.